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ComicsOnCDRom© discs are for both PC compatible and MACINTOSH systems.

system recommendations

These are the recommendations of Graffix Multimedia for your viewing of the cdroms listed on this website. Though other system configurations may be able to use & view these discs, these are the minimum system configuration requirements for ComicsOnCDRom©.

  • 133MMZ or higher
  • 32meg system RAM / 64meg or higher is best
  • 4meg Video RAM
  • 32X or faster CDROM Drive
  • A sound card and speakers (optional for music)
  • 17inch MONITOR or larger

Site Map | Tech Support | Order | Home Page | Contact Us | System Requirements | Faq/Information

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This site created and maintained by Graffix Multimedia. Click for information.

This site is ©1999 Graffix Multimedia All rights reserved. No part may be reproduced in any form electronic or otherwise without the express written consent of the author of this site.

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